Monday, July 23, 2012


Juba õige mitmes versioon kodusest uksekellast sündmuste logijast. Arvestab keskmise korteri-majaga, kus on 2 sissepääsu, õuevärav, garaaž jms. Hea märgata kui väravast käiakse, millal on keegi ukse taga kella andmas käinud, kas postkasti on midagi pandud jms. Ei asenda kaugeltki mitte professionaalset valvesüsteemi, aga täiendab seda, olles samas unikaalne ja omanäoline.

  • 3 optiliselt isoleeritud digisisendit (logitakse avatud-suletud, kaasneb helisignaal)
  • 2 tavalist digisisendit (logitakse avatud-suletud, kaasneb helisignaal)
  • 3 erinevat uksekella sisendit (logitakse), igaühele sõltumatu monofooniline meloodia või MP3
    • üks uksekella sisenditest on optiliselt  isoleeritud
  • 2 temperatuuriandurit
  • Logimälu sügavus 1023 sündmust
Baseerub PIC18F2520-l, võrgupingest sõltumatu reaal-aja kellaga (DS1307).Tarkvaraliselt paras pähkel - monofoonilise muusika esitamine nõuab taimeritega parajat mängimist, displei vajab kontrollimist ja juhtnupud jälgimist (üle I2C liidese). Monofoonilise muusikaga oli pigem lihtne, lahenduse printsiibid olid omal varnast võtta juba kunagiste tipi õpingute aegadelt 80-te algul kui sai ehitatud esimesed monofoonilise muusikaga uksekellad.
MP3-mängijana on kasutatud laiatarbe mälupulk-mängijat (baseerub SIGMATEL Inc. kiibil STMP35XX), mida saab juhtida tema juhtnuppudele vajutuste emuleerimise kaudu - nõudes optilist lahutamist ülejäänud ahelatest ja omaette taktiga komponendi taimingu ning vastavate signaalijärjestustega mängimist. MP3 väljundi digimürast päästmiseks tuli tekitada võimendile (TDA2822M kiibil) galvaaniliselt lahutatud toide.
Korpuseks sai vana 9600 bps modemi oma :-)
Ekraanil on näha jooksev aeg, sise- ja garaaži temperatuur (talvel võib minna alla nulli ja kartulitega-hoidistega võib juhtuda siis üht-teist ebameeldivat).
Teisel real on viimase sündmuse aeg ning kolmandal selle kirjeldus.

Alumine pisike ekraan kuulub MP3 mängurile.
Nuppe on minimaalselt - logi vaatamine, kellamuusika valik ja kellaaja sättimine. Tjah, seade ei salvesta sündmusi kui elektrit pole, aga elektri tagasitulek ise on üks sündmus, mis pannakse kirja.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

WHS 2011 disappointment

User of the first Windows Home Server (aka v1) launched in 2007. I ordered installation disks from and set up computer taking into account minimal power consumption - finally HS is an additional device consuming energy always some other computer at home is in use.
Processor Celeron 440 2.0GHz, GigaByte board and 1GB memory (it was required 512MB), two (later added one more) Western Digital Green disks. The WHS v1 was installed fluently and connecting computers and uses was simple and transparent. Very useful is Lights-out add-in which is keeping an eye on computers and when last one will be shut down then 10 minutes after that server will hibernate, minimizing power consumption. I appreciated duplication of selected resources. Although it is only software controlled functionality at least on some of cases of one disk failure it does not mean loosing of important files duplicated on some another drive.
Another useful add-in appeared to be Twonky server, standing for steaming media - photos, music, videos for devices following DLNA® standard e.g. to Sony Blue-ray player BDPS370 connected to widescreen TV - right place to watch everything. Twonky is not free product but it justified many spent being relatively stable and doing what promised.
The third useful add-in enabled to make backups of home computer itself and collected backups. I didn't long worry about it long making sometimes only external back up of media resources which were duplicated anyway. But agree, the right strategy is to back up externally everything. Not too often but still.
Although WHS functionality and service was well stable then Twonky sometimes failed just when you had dear guests and home video or photos of recent trip was planned to be demonstrated.
Of cause when WHS 2011 was announced with all promised bells and whistles together with DLNA functionality it was difficult not to start thinking of upgrade. offered OEM version of WHS relatively cheap (59€) but delivery was expensive one - 20€. So on one nice day it arrived - box inside of what was DVD box.
There are somewhat higher requirements to computer - contrary to WHS v1 WHS 2011 is 64-bit software so processor has to support this, in addition the minimum memory required is 2 GB. In my case only memory was necessary to add, processor met requirements. More inconvenient was the fact that old backups are incompatible thus special attention was needed for transfer to new system to keep own precious files duplicated somewhere else just for case. I freed up one 500GB disk for new WHS (luckily had less than half of server storage in use and it was well possible) and kept old system on two disks just for case there is need to pick up something from old installation. Wise decision!

WHS 2011 installation went painlessly; about 50 updates were installed too. After setting up users, connecting computes and installing lights-out add-in (which melted much better with new WHS) I was ready to enjoy as effortless media streaming experience. Wrong. Although I succeeded to get server visible in Sony player none of content was not displayed either played. And so it remained, obviously certain mismatch in DLNA standard or some other incompatibility. Windows sticking to own WMP formats is known but home videos are all divx. Web didn't help much. One reference described similar situation as I had but solution was missing. Probably Xbox or some other MS compatible devices will work but I had no will at all to start replacing other home equipment.
Moreover the disk management was not as smart as in case of WHS v1. No duplication! Meaning that the importance of regular external back-up is very high - in case of single disk failure all on that will be lost. So despite better user interface more IT-specific management and attention is required compared with old v1 WHS.

So I returned to old WHS. Returned wisely preserved disks, launched it again, replaced client software in home computers and felt as at own home again. Even Twonky server was functioning. :)

Update. Just learned that although Twonky media server add-in for WHS is discontinued, there is newer and free DLNA server compatible with WHS 2011 - Serviio. So...
